Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A simple question

Is defining failure a simple exercise? Think. We have a education system where pass and fail definitions are crystal clear in numbers.

However, why as a country we fail to define failure when it comes to government delivery system, or any system, be it a sports body, an infrastructure project or anything? Are we being too much democratic even going to the extent of being indiscipline people? Or is it because our justice delivery system is an utter failure (again can I say it or do as a country we accept it?). In my view - Justice delayed is justice denied.

Why we do not want to fix our justice delivery system? Partly because a clear and quick verdict from judiciary will take away hidden power from government employees which they wield to extract illegal money from citizens to carry their work. or a quick justice delivery system will disable half of sitting MPs and MLAs to even contest in any kind of elections next time...

The recent events and trends do not indicate we are going in right direction. A state chief minister says that all taxi drivers must learn local language and then backs away next day. Why he did so? Our prime minister wants major ies to go global...taxi drivers of Shanghai are learning English and we are going backwards.

Can we as a country instill some discipline in ourselves?

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